



发布者:  时间:2023-03-26 13:09:08  浏览:





It was the 5th of March again, another one of those special days. On such a day, we pay tribute to Comrade Lei Feng and learn from his spirit. Then, let us learn together the story behind the known nail spirit of Lei Feng.


Once, Lei Feng and Secretary Zhang went to the countryside and chatted while walking.


As they walked, Lei Feng felt something trip under his foot. He looked down and saw that it was a rusty screw, so he kicked it to the curb.


Secretary Zhang asked, "What is that you kicked?"

Lei Feng said, "It's a broken screw."



The secretary heard, without a word, picked up the screw from the grass, wiped it clean with a handkerchief and put it in his jacket pocket.


Lei Feng felt very strange.


A few days later, Lei Feng followed Secretary Zhang to the county machinery factory to open a site meeting.


In the machinery factory, Secretary Zhang asked the factory manager: "If this machine tool is missing a screw, the machine will still work?" The factory manager said: "Then there will be a problem!"


Lei Feng, by now, understood why the secretary had to pick up that tiny screw.


On the way back, Secretary Zhang said: "Lei Feng, you see, a small screw, the machine can do nothing without it! The revolution is the same. We people are the big and small screws, without which no one can work.


Therefore, as young people in the new era, we should learn from Comrade Lei Feng, play the "nail spirit" in our learning and daily life,  practice our professional skills hardly, and take practical action to give a love and send a ray of sunshine to people in need. As youths majored in foreign languages, we should tell China story, make China voice better heard, spread Chinese culture and build a better life together with the world.

因此,作为新时代的青年,我们应该向雷锋同志学习,在学习和生活中发挥 "钉子精神",努力练好自己的专业技能,以实际行动为需要帮助的人奉献一份爱心,送上一缕阳光。作为外语专业的青年,我们更要讲好中国故事,发出中国声音,传播中国文化,与全世界一同创造更美好的未来。



March 5th marks “Lei Feng Day” in China. The date was designated in 1963. In remembrance of a People's Liberation Army soldier renowned for his generosity and altruistic deeds. Since then, the soldier, known for devoting much as time and energy to those in need, has been rewarded by generations of Chinese as a modern Good Samaritan and a virtuous example that emulate. More than five decades later, the legacy left by him still inspires the Chinese people to do volunteer work and lend a helping hand to people in need.

The sobbing young man pictures Lei Feng. He was born to an extremely poor family in Hunan province in 1940.He lost his parents, elder and younger brothers one after another when he was young and became an orphan at the age of seven. His life was totally changed in 1949 the year a new China was founded.

In 1958, Lei Feng left Hunan and worked at Anshan Iron and Steel Factory, the largest plant nationwide in northeast China's Liaoning province. In January 1960, Lei Feng joined the People's Liberation Army and became a truck driver. Once in an Army's flood fighting operation, he kept working for days and nights, even though he was ill at the time. He did a lot of good deeds to his fellow soldiers and civilians, like mending quilts for other soldiers, finding an auntie’s missing son, and delivering medicine to villagers. He also worked as an after-school counselor for children in his spare time.

Lei Feng died in 1962 at the age of 22 after being hit by a falling power poll while helping a fellow soldier direct a truck. But his spirit has inspired many others to follow. Miner Guo Mingyi in Liaoning province is one of them.







Carry Forward the Spirit of Lei Feng by Telling his Stories

Hello, everyone. I am the keynote speaker of this time. My name is Kong Yuying.

As students in DUFL, we should show the mien of our Alma mater to others. While as foreign language learners at the same time, we should use what we have learned in class to express our believes to the whole world. Today, I’d like to carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng by telling his stories to all of you.

As I grew up in Northeast of China, Lei Feng's heroic deeds and his image have been deeply engraved upon my heart since childhood. Every time when I hear someone mention him, the sense of pride and identity will arise spontaneously, as my mum has told me before that Lei Feng is the pride of us Northeast people. However, as I grew older, I couldn't help wondering why among all those generous and kind people in the world, Lei Feng was still praised by people till now.

Doing good works for others actually is not difficult, while the real difficult one is persisting in doing good works during one’s lifetime. Similarly, being a patriot is not difficult, while the real difficult one is to dedicate one’s life to the motherland with no regrets. Nevertheless, behind what I said “doing good works” unconcernedly as a child is those countless scars on Lei Feng’s body.

There are no heroes who emerge out of the void in the world originally, but those ordinary people who throw themselves into the breach as real heroes. Lei Feng is not only who he merely is, but also serves as the epitome of a great era. He represents the people who devote their golden ages and even lives to their country. It shows in the Gobi Desert where people developed atomic bombs without hesitation; it shows in the frontiers where soldiers charged forward dauntlessly ; it also shows in the iron-like inflexibility of those people with lofty ideas.

In people’s minds, the name of Lei Feng is no longer just a title, but also a symbol of noble virtue, pure faith and models of the times.

Lei Feng is known to and admired by all. Nevertheless, Lei Feng never left us in a real sense, as his spirit has inspired generations of Chinese people to forge ahead and his faith has led generations of Chinese people to help each other and plug on. Let us continue inheriting the spirit of Lei Feng, strive to be the pioneers of the times, and contribute ourselves to the motherland, in order to pursue the prosperity and development of it.











Lei Feng is a very ordinary name. why does it always make millions of hearts resonate at the same frequency in China? On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of learning from Lei Feng, looking back at his deeply touching deeds, we can still gain inspiration in life and the power of endeavor.

He had a saving box for collecting the broken wastes. When he needed to use it, he found out the applicable things from the box, and sold the waste products that were completely useless, and all the money obtained was handed over to the Communist Party of China. After becoming an off-campus counselor, Lei Feng personally made a saving box and gave it to his students so that they could maintain the good habit of thrift just like him.

Moreover, Lei Feng once gave his comrades a "love lunch box". In his diary on Octo.






向晨 赵锐 赵婧伊  


About sixty years ago, a twenty-two-year-old revolutionary soldier passed away at his post.      But his excellent quality has deeply influenced the new generation of Chinese youth until today. His willingness to help others is worth passing on in the new era.

Yes, his name is Lei Feng. As the youth of the new era, we heard the story of Lei Feng when we were very young. We were not only attracted by the story content, but more deeply moved by his spirit.

I still remember that when we were in primary school, we held activities to learn from Lei Feng and visited the old people in the old people's home. This is the inheritance of Lei Feng's spirit.

Today, we are going to introduce one of Lei Feng's many helpful deeds. Let's take a look at how Lei Feng helps others. Let's learn and inherit the spirit of Lei Feng.

Lei Feng and the soldiers often had to travel long distances to carry out their missions. However, one problem has been troubling Lei Feng and his comrades, that is, the shoes often broke on the way. In many cases, soldiers would go barefoot, and by the time they got back to camp, their feet were bloody.

Lei Feng saw this scene, very sad, he hopes that through his own efforts, can help everyone. Lei Feng asked the shoemaker around the camp for advice on shoe repair skills, and bought needle,thread and rubber.

"We should treat comrades like the warm spring breeze, work passionately like summer's glare, treat individualism like fallen leaves, and enemies like the icy gale in harsh winter."

It's not about doing something huge or heroic, but just about everyday life. It helps us recognize the power of the times behind the stories of the little people. Now, inspired by Lei Feng's story, doing good deeds has also been internalized into the common character of Chinese.

Later, when marching Lei Feng took advantage of the rest to help other soldiers mend their shoes. The soldiers were very grateful to Lei Feng.

In this story, we could learn Lei Feng's willingness to help others. Goodness is the most important proposition of Chinese excellent traditional culture for five thousand years. Lei Feng spirit, as the representative of 5000 years of excellent traditional Chinese culture, has achieved the lofty realm of "serving the people". We should try our best to help others in life. In our life, we should always think about how to make contributions rather than how to take from others. Passing on Lei Feng' s willingness to help others is the task of young people in the new generation, only in this way can our society become more and more harmonious. Our country will become more and more prosperous.










张月 卢焕 王若琪  


“My name is Lei Feng, and I will rush ahead to where my country needs me most. I only need one set of clothes is enough, and the remaining set will be saved for the country. This gun is mine, given to me by the people, I must take good care of it and love it, practice real hard ability and resolutely defend our motherland. Human life is limited, but service to the people is unlimited. ”The diary written by Lei Feng has a paragraph, "is Chairman Mao taught us that thrift and anti-waste, is our party's consistent policy and fine tradition, when can not change. Comrades said, my socks are too worn, not good-looking, should be replaced with a new pair, but I mended still wear, because the country is in trouble, it is necessary for everyone to share the burden, and Russia is pinning its hopes for peaceful evolution on the third and fourth generations of China. By that time, what will China look like? I am no longer here, the first and second generations are not here, but as long as the spirit of Lei Feng is here, China will not change its color.."



邵陈晨 袁咏仪 李盼


Lei Feng, as a synonym for "helping others and selfless dedication", has always been a role model for us to follow. In his short life, Lei Feng regarded helping others as the greatest happiness.

One day, Lei Feng made two reports to a department of the Dandong Engineering Corps, and was on his way returning to the army. When passing through the underpass, in the bustling crowd, he saw a white-haired old woman walking laboriously with a stick and a big bag on her back.

Lei Feng rushed forward and asked, "Aunt, where are you going?"

The old woman gasped and said, "I am going to Fushun to see my son."

As soon as Lei Feng heard that she was on the same road as himself, he immediately picked up her baggage and said, "Go, aunt, I will send you to Fushun."

Lei Feng helped her into the car. After she sat down, he asked the old woman what her son did and where he lived. The old woman said that her son was a coal miner and had been out for several years. The old woman took out a letter from her arms and handed it to Lei Feng "Look, kid, do you know this place?"

Lei Feng looked at the address on the envelope, but he didn't know. what he knew was that the old woman was eager to find her son, so he said, "Don't worry, aunt, I will help you find your son."

When the train entered Fushun Station, Lei Feng took up the old woman's baggage, helped the old woman get off the train, left the station, and walked on the street to find out the address of the old woman’s son. after searching for more than two hours, finally he helped the old woman find her son.

"Respect, love and help the old" is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and Lei Feng is a role model of filial piety. We should carry forward the spirit of respecting and loving the old.

Today, Lei Feng is more and more far away from us, but Lei Feng's spirit is still fresh. We can't help everyone, but everyone can help some people. Ordinary people will also shine with the light of Lei Feng's spirit, calling for the spirit of the times. Lei Feng is right beside you and me.













"Man's life is limited, but there is no limit to serving the people. We should devote our limited life to serving the people without limit." Such a good saying comes from a man in the 1940s and 1950s. His name was Lei Feng. Although he only spent 22 short spring and Autumn, but in this not short and not long time, he has done more than 3000 good things, so he deserves to be remembered, we should learn not only Lei Feng a small thing, but his lofty spirit shining with the brilliance of communist thought should be left in the world.

Who if the game of life, he will achieve nothing, who can not dominate their own, is always a slave. Lei Feng, who lived in that era, spoke the words of this era. Young people are like the sun at eight or nine o 'clock in the morning. They are the most energetic, the most dynamic, and the hope for the future of the country.Entrusted to this group of people, however, with the development and progress of The Times, some bad atmosphere like the smoke in medieval London on the flowers of the motherland. Decades ago, let the struggle and independence of the alarm bell in our hearts, we as the successor of the new era, should inherit the traditional virtues of hard struggle of the Chinese nation, have the sense of independence, pursue the light forward, let the youth colorful, let life more colorful.

Spring breeze blowing across the earth, in the bright spring, Lei Feng-style love and warmth has been passing. The flame is high. I believe that in the near future, the blood of Lei Feng that flows with selfless dedication will be full of vitality in the motherland, because the spirit of Lei Feng has been inspiring me

They move forward, in the construction tide of the new century, song after song "Lei Feng song" will hum, will sing loudly. Learning from Lei Feng, everyone can do a small screw never rust.






Lei Feng was on a business trip to Andong to join the military sports training team of the Shenyang Army Engineers. Lei Feng did charity all the way along the train when he was away on 1000-mile official business. As soon as he got on the train from Fushun, he saw that the conductor was very busy. Then he set to work immediately. Clean the floor, glass and small table and pour water for the passengers.Also he helped the women carry the children, find seats for the elderly, and pick up the passengers with large luggage. Having done this, he took out the newspaper brought with him, and read it out to the passengers who could not read to publicize the Party's policies.When he changed trains at Shenyang Station, he found a group of people noisily around the ticket gate. Looking closer, he found that it was a middle-aged woman who wanted to get on the bus but had no ticket . There were more and more people, blocking the road. Lei Feng came forward to her and said, "Why do you want to get on the bus if you don't have a ticket?" She explained anxiously, "Comrade, it's not that I don't have a ticket. I came from my hometown in Shandong to Jilin to see my husband. I don't know when I lost my ticket and money." After hearing her explanation, Lei Feng said, "Don't worry, come with me."He took her to the ticket office, bought a ticket with his own allowance, and thrust it into her hand, saying," Hurry up and get on the bus. It's about to leave." The sister-in-law said: "Comrade, what is your name and which unit do you belong to?I can send you the money." Lei Feng said with a smile, "My name is People's Liberation Army and I live in China." Then he turned and walked away. The woman stepped into the carriage and waved to him in tears.Lei Feng did a lot of warm-hearted things during the train journey. These things were later known by his comrades-in-arms. Someone commented:  he did charity all the way along the train when he was away on a 1000-mile official business.




Lei Feng is the model of The Times, his spirit deserves our praise and learning.For example, he unites his friends and loves them.

Lei Feng often takes out his books for everyone to study, known as the "small Lei Feng library". He helped comrades learn knowledge. His classmate, Qiao An Shan, was not well educated. Lei Feng taught him how to read and how to do arithmetic. His classmate, Xiao Zhou's father, was seriously ill. When Lei Feng knew it, he wrote a letter to his family in the name of Xiao Zhou and sent him another 10 yuan. His comrade-in-arms, Han, burned several holes in sulphuric acid when he got out of the car at night. When Lei Feng came back on duty and found out, he took off his hat and patched his trousers needle by needle for Han and gently covered him. Qiao Anshan, who knew the situation, said, "Lei Feng has not slept for half a night to make up your trousers."

Lei Feng also devoted himself to serving the people.One evening, there was heavy rain in the world. Lei Feng saw a woman holding a child in her arms and holding a child in her hand. She still carried a baggage and walked step by step in the heavy rain. Lei Feng was busy in front of the inquiries, only to know that the big man came back from the field to visit relatives, to go to the scorpion ditch more than a dozen miles away, she said anxiously: "Comrade, today, the rain has cast me confused, and this Child, I cried and cried too home!" Lei Feng put the raincoat on the big cockroach, and picked up the older child to go to the scorpion ditch in the rain, preferring to drench themselves and not let them suffer. They have been walking for more than two hours before they send the mother and child safely home.

We should be like Lei Feng, selfless dedication to build a more beautiful China.




雷锋也致力于为人民服务。一天傍晚,天下起大雨,雷锋见公路上一位妇女怀里抱着一个小孩,手里还拉着一个小孩,身上还背着包袱,在哗哗的大雨中一步一滑地走着。雷锋忙上前一打听,才知道这位大嫂从外地探亲归来,要去十几里外的樟子沟去,她着急地说:“同志啊,今天雨都把我浇迷糊了,这还有孩子,我哭也哭不到家啊!” 雷锋把雨衣披在大嫂身上,抱起那个大一点的孩子冒雨朝樟子沟走去,宁愿自己淋得透湿,也不让她们受罪。他们一直走了两个多小时,才把那对母子安全送到家。



传承弘扬雷锋精神,有助于引导广大青年发扬钉子精神的“挤”劲和“钻”劲,把强烈的爱国心、坚定的报国志融入到实现中华民族伟大复兴的进程中去,以青春之我,书写最美答卷!(郭慧桐  武洪羽)

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