“愿你真实 不为其它而辜负自己
愿你勇敢 愿你善良
愿你真心 正义 无畏
爱你所爱 行你所行
听从你心 无问西东”

I strongly believe that you won’t be unfamiliar with her if you follow our official account. (P.S. you can also click “view history” to appreciate her masterpieces. That’s not an advertisement :D) Although this character introduction is not more than 100 words, we can still have a clear idea about how excellent she is. Now, let’s move on to the introduction of this exchange program, and also, her tips to apply for it.
“优秀本科生国际交流项目”由国家留学基金委员会设立,每年选派一批本科生赴境外高校或研究机构学习。 英语学院获该项目资助,与爱尔兰利莫瑞克大学和英国布鲁奈尔大学均有合作,着眼于提高英语专业本科生英语语言能力,以培养复合型人才和英语国家国别区域人才为目标,以期提高学生创新实践能力,提升学生对该国社会文化的认识,提高跨文化交际能力,提高学术研究水平。

Before you decide to apply for this project, I suggest you search for information about it so as to have a basic understanding, and then communicate with your families and professors to consider various influencing factors objectively. For example, if you want to participate in this project in your senior year, you may take a make-up examination for TEM-8 the next year, and you are unable to take part in the Unified national graduate entrance examination. Moreover, you have to communicate with your tutor online and finish your graduation thesis abroad. Plus, the process of applying for a foreign university and also for this program of China Scholarship Council can be fairly complex and arduous, so you would better prepare in advance if you were sure about your decision.

Since my choice of modules was not so limited, the subject I learned here was “English, TV and Film Studies.”
I was extremely astonished, in my early days, by the teaching mode here: one class in China took us only 1.5 hours, while here, in London, a class = 2 hours screening+ 1 hour lecture+ 1 hour seminar which would take me almost half a day. I always felt totally exhausted after four hours’ continuous brainstorming.
I found it too hard, to be honest, to adjust myself to such a teaching and learning pattern at first. However, I found myself, as time passed, improved more than I had expected:

When I was a new comer, I always kept silent, shyly and nervously, during the seminar. But when you were surrounded by people from all over the world such as Spain, Portugal, Nepal, Korea, Britain and so on, you would find that English, the universally used language, was the only medium for you to communicate. When you speak in English all day long, you will not be surprised to find that your oral English is much more fluent than before, and your vocabulary, at the same time, is also enlarged. It may also be due to the fact that my mode of thinking was gradually transformed to an English one. I do not have to organize what I want to say in Chinese, translate it in my mind secretly, and finally speak out something sounds quite stiff. Hence, I can express myself clearly, logically and quickly to others. What I want to emphasize here is that you have to ignore what other people may think of you, or at least, try to be confident. If you don’t step forward, you are always in the same place.
I usually have to finish reading at least one short novel before class each week, which is, I might say, a great challenge. Moreover, writing essays and discussing in seminars also requires a lot of reading work. So many reading materials did raise my reading speed and enrich my knowledge.

Living alone in a foreign country which is quite strange and exotic, to be fair, is absolutely more difficult than you can imagine.


However, along with my adaptation, I found myself “clearer” and more powerful. And what I should appreciate is just such kind of “loneliness”. I have experienced a sense of loneliness that was unprecedented at home in the past twenty years. What people do at home almost have nothing to do with me. I was writing my paper when you were celebrating New Year; I was having classes while you were enjoying family reunion during the Spring Festival. And those foreign friends I made here were just a speaking acquaintance.


Also, after living for more than half a year in London, I found that cultural difference is something you have no choice but to accept and respect. I live in the student dormitory and most of my roommates are local students. During my daily conversations with them, I found that our values and opinions on the same question were, most of the time, different. For example, British people highly admire freedom and individual rights. They think people have their rights to do anything they want and should not be interfered by the others. Once we have quarreled for whether they should hold party in the kitchen at midnight, but I compromised at last, for we can’t persuade each other at all, so all we can do is trying to understand and give more tolerance.
In all, studying abroad is definitely more than just getting a degree or learning professional knowledge. It is absolutely a catalyst for self-growth. You’ll never regret for making this decision to allow yourself to experience this period of time, in which you grew more powerful and faster than any other year in the past when you recall these valuable memories in days to come.
“You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.”这句话影响我很久,也真心希望有过这一珍贵经历的老于能变得更加强大,能“特别美丽,特别平静,特别勇敢,也特别温柔”。当然啦,虽然文字的表达能力有限,但也希望读到这里的各位能对更大更未知的世界充满探索的欲望和勇气,能真的“走出去”看一看,也能在自己选择的道路上坚定无比地走下去。
(于芷霄 童嘉逸)